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In recent years the traditional trucker liability insurance market has contracted, making it extraordinarily challenging to obtain optimal levels of insurance protection at reasonable expense.


We help clients deploy creative ways to finance their liability exposures working with the insurance companies who continue to specialize in this area, using loss-sensitive rating plans and other creative risk financing. In certain circumstances, alternative market solutions are an appropriate path. We identify the relevant risks and coverage issues and provide advice in establishing a solid program of protection.


Unique risks among trucking services include the use of owner-operators and leased drivers. We help our transportation clients evaluate potential contingent workers' compensation and employers' liability risks. We also design auto insurance programs that properly reflect the non-employee driver exposures.

Assessment of cargo risks is also integral to the risk management process. We assist our transportation clients by evaluating and balancing the needs of insurance protection, contractual insurance requirements, and the relative cost-benefits of insurance retention options. 


Joe C. Underwood, CPCU, ARM-E

Transportation Practice Leader

111 Speen Street

2nd Floor, Ste. 217

Framingham, MA 01701
Tel: 781-449-2866

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